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I gave the Lionel statue to the squ...

I gave the Lionel statue to the squirrels to use as a battering ram. Can I still get it back to give to the elves? How? Many thanks!

By corey
plz help me how do u gte the statue in the first place im not even that far im still getting gea the relic created by the sun gods so plz email me at [email protected] plz and thank u
By :)
you get the statue from sedona in one of the houses in just take it. then you take on the quest of finding out who is attempting to asinate the king of need the statue to give the king of the can buy it back later from the islands where you get the priate dragon rider
By corey
ok i did try to find the one called sedona but i found nowone called sodona but it might be because i cant get the sea relic but first i need to find the titans trident so i can but i cant find it i really want to get furthur please sombody help me
By corey
oh srry i didnt read all the way well i tried taking it it just said that if everyone new that it was the poor frozen king
By als
Only one because the squirrels or elves like it so much they don't want to give back the statue and the cloth is more great because if one of your characters equip the cloth they get a spell. lars get soul steel to capture a enemy but you can't capture a enemy in ahriman lair or ahriman castle because the enemys in there are to powerful ineen was a deal is a deal.
By aveyond
No. I'm sorry but you can't.
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