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killing the giant crab?

By lora
i have been trying to kill the giant crab for the last 3 days now but it keeps on killing me is there a cheat or anyway i can kill the giant crab without dying all the time im getting really annoyed with it now
By ttva
You'll need to stock up. I made 10 fruit tails and had 40 arrows on hand. Shoot the thing with arrows until you are almost out of energy. Run away. Eat a fruit tail and go back and shot him again. Took about 5 tries this way.
By frustrated
I have been trying to kill the crab for months and it kills me instead
By ~shantay
What I did when I noticed running away causes his hp to regenerate. I stood and shot him like crazy. Once he kills me. I heal with one of the items I have.

When you revive, you flash for a while so nothing targets you. shoot him like crazy once you revive.

I killed him within minutes of doing this.

By slinkydogg
For ttva


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